Saturday, August 8, 2009


Thanks to Reggie Thames’s team from South Carolina and Michael McRae’s team from the Alpha Conference the Guaymi Indians in Guayabal, Panama can now worship in a their new church building and not worry about getting wet during the rainy season. The makeshift shack they were worshipping in was made of bamboo slats and a dirt floor.
We had a lot of challenges while constructing this church. There were muddy roads that were barely passable and the high cost to transport construction materials into this remote mountain village in Panama. When we started the foundation for the construction project, we soon discovered the men of the village are migrant workers and they were gone to harvest coffee in another country. However, the women of the church and their daughters came to the rescue. They were in the trenches digging the footers and carrying block in order to see the project completed. Reggie Thames team completed half of the work project and did a tremendous job in a very primitive environment. The Alpha Conference sent the A-team to complete the project in March. Both of these teams had to sleep in tents, prepare their meals on a camp stove and bath with water from five gallon buckets. The days were very warm with high humidity but the team pulled together and completed the walls and the roof. We had a dedication service for the church with a small lantern casting light into the church building. The Guaymi Indians faces were beaming with joy as they sang and praised God for the new church building that HE provided for them.
In April, Jane and I returned to the United States for furlough. We are visiting churches to express our appreciation for their faithful support and to raise additional funds. We apologize that in these few months it will not be possible to visit all of our supporting churches. However, please be assured that your financial support and your prayers are very much appreciated. We do need additional support in order to return to the field and would ask you to consider giving extra each month to make up the deficit we are experiencing in our budget. Thank you for making it possible for us to fulfill God’s call on our lives to serve Him as missionaries to Central America.

Please pray for:

  • Our English speaking church plant in San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • That God will bring peace during this time of political unrest in the country of Honduras.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are doing this it makes it easier for me to keep up! I pray that God continues to bless you in EVERYTHING you do!!! Love and Miss you!
